To play my bumpers, I had the default audio device set to the computer's default, and had a connector line going from the computer's headphones jack to the Line-in 3/4 channel on the mixing board, with a 100% pan to the Right. If you want to use Skype with an audio interface like a Focusrite, a mixer that sends separate channels via USB or an audio recorder that records to individual tracks but can also function as an interface like the Zoom H6, and you need more than one microphone to be heard by Skype (podcast co-host, interviewee, etc) then you have a problem. My Main out L&R from the Mixer were both going into the Tascam, and being recorded by Podcast Station. The audio out to Skype (and, thus, the caller) was going out from the mixer via the Left channel only into the griffin iMic from the Mixer's RCA line out jack. Furthermore I want still be able to speak with them while. So I am looking for a way to route the output to the recording input (So that the other members hear the sound output), but I can still hear the output myself.

of a Youtube video) with other people I am talking with. The call in to Skype was getting routed to my Mixing board via the Tascam device and into my mixer's channel 5/6. In conversations using Skype, I often want to share sound output (e.g. I've got a Peavy PV6 mixer, Griffin iMic, and Tascam 122L USB device. Some of these plugins offer many other features, such as. Launch Skype too, and make sure you have a media player ready for testing an audio track to share. So to diagram: Caller -> Skype -> out via Tascam headphone jack -> Mixer 1/4' input (Pan 100 Right) -> Main Out (Right) -> Tascam -> Podcast Station ONLY. As far as I know, this is the only way Ive ever been able to share audio for interviews over Skype. After installation, load the app and connect any headphones and microphones. My Mic (MXL 990) was on Channel 2, also with a pan 100 to the right. If your sound card doesnt support this feature, you can play music during Skype calls with third-party plugins. To start sharing audio through a Skype call, youll need to configure VoiceMeeter correctly.

We needed to get a bumper so that both of us could hear it. With certain sound cards, you can select the audio source for Skype calls, switching between your microphone and desktop audio during a call. Last night I was able to do just this durring a recording session.